Acupressure follows similar principles to acupuncture and offers comparable benefits. The main difference is that pressure is applied to acupuncture points with hands instead of needles, which makes it easier for wellness experts to host virtual sessions online. Your provider will show you where to apply pressure by yourself or with the assistance of someone you live with. Here are some of the benefits you can expect by following live video guidance.
3 Reasons to Have Virtual Acupressure Sessions
1. Continue Existing Treatment
If you’ve benefited from ongoing acupuncture treatment, there’s no need to miss out just because it’s not possible to visit the usual location now. Virtual sessions can continue to treat health conditions, such as headaches or back pain, and allow you to improve overall wellness. Knowing your goals, your acupressure professional will guide you remotely to work toward them.
2. Begin New Treatment
Stress and anxiety are common problems, and they increase during times of uncertainty. Recently, a lot of people have been unable to see their wellness professional when they need help.
Fortunately, acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress, and online acupressure sessions will bring similar advantages for your mental health. In a virtual consultation before the treatment begins, you’ll discuss your goals and existing conditions, so the expert will know which pressure points you should target.
3. Feel Connected
Many people feel isolated while adhering to stay-at-home orders, and it may be some time before social life can return to normal. Virtual wellness treatments give you a connection to the outside world and provide something to look forward to each week. Knowing you can speak to a professional who cares about your wellness will give you a mental boost even before each session begins.
If you want to start benefiting from virtual acupressure treatment, 808 Wellness: Healing Spa & Maui Yoga Studio in Kihei, HI, is here to help. Their knowledgeable acupuncture experts tailor treatments to each customer’s needs. They also offer other virtual services, such as spiritual coaching, remote energy healing, and live yoga and meditation events. You can order herbs and supplements from their online store as well. To learn more about their virtual services, call (808) 875-4325 or visit their website.
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