Palo Santo Bundle


Palo Santo is a sacred wood that comes from the magical Palo Santo tree, native to the coast of South America. Its name literally means holy wood, and it is just that. When it is burned, the smoke is believed to have both medicinal and therapeutic healing power.



The Palo Santo tree is related to Frankincense, Myrrh and Copal and is native to South America. It is part of the citrus family and has sweet notes of pine, mint and lemon. In Spanish, the name literally means “Holy Wood”. Traditionally, it is used to:

-Keep energies grounded and clear.

-Raise your vibration in preparation for meditation.

-Enhance your creativity and bring good fortune to those who are open to it’s magic.

-Calm the immune and nervous system.


Quartz Crystal is one of the most multipurpose and well known of all the minerals. The master healer, Quartz Crystal draws away negativity, balances the physical, emotional and spiritual, aids in focus and meditation and and aligns the Chakras. A great universal piece for your altar or meditation space. 


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